Greek yogurt (yogurt function)

8-12 hours
4 people


  • 1 litre whole milk
  • 1 sachet Greek yoghurt starter culture
  • Fruit to garnish to taste


Our advice: clean the inner pan well before use

1. Heat the milk in a pan until it reaches 82°c. Fill your sink with cold water. Leave the pan with milk in the cold water, this speeds up the cooling process. Now let the milk cool down and check it with the thermometer, up to 35-40°c, knocking regularly will speed up this process. If the yogurt culture is added too quickly to the warm milk, it will kill the culture, so the cooling process is an essential step!

2. Scoop a small amount of cooled milk into a separate bowl, whisk in the culture and then add it to the rest of the milk in the pan.
Place the pan on the hob and close the lid.

3. Use the Yoghurt Function on your pressure cooker (depending on the model, set the temperature to LOW). Set the time to 8 to 12 hours, depending on your taste. The longer the incubation process, the more acidic the yogurt will become due to the lactic acid bacteria.

4. Once your yoghurt has reached the desired taste, remove the inner pan from the appliance and pour it into suitable storage jars to put in the fridge. Yoghurt may be passed through a muslin cloth to remove excess whey. This gives a thicker consistency.

5. Add fruit to taste as a garnish and enjoy!

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