Broccoli cream soup

45 minutes
2 people


  • 350 g broccoli florets
  • 1.7 litres of water
  • 50 g cream
  • 75 g butter
  • Salt and pepper


Put the water in the mixing bowl and add salt to taste. Set for 20 minutes, 130°C, speed 1. Put the sliced broccoli in the cooking basket and place the cooking basket in the mixing bowl. Set for 6 minutes, 130°C, position 1. Remove the cooking basket from the mixing bowl and use 300 g of the cooked broccoli, using the rest as garnish. Pour the water out of the mixing bowl. Put the cooked broccoli and all the other ingredients into the mixing bowl. Set to 2 minutes, speed 3 and slowly increase to speed 5. Use salt and pepper to taste.

Also interesting.